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Executive Committee


Professor Yvonne Gilleece Professor Yvonne Gilleece - Chair
Professor Yvonne Gilleece trained in Dublin and London, and is Honorary Clinical Professor and Consultant in HIV Medicine & Sexual Health at Brighton & Sussex Medical School and University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust. She is a national and international leader on HIV and was elected Chair of BHIVA in January 2023. Prior to this she was elected as a BHIVA trustee to serve on the Executive Committee (2016-2019, 2019–2022) and was also elected as Honorary Secretary (2019- 2022). Professor Gilleece specialises in HIV in Women and is immediate past Chair of the BHIVA Pregnancy Guidelines, Chair of WAVE, a subcommittee of the European AIDS Clinical Society, and Founder and Chair of SWIFT, promoting research in women living with HIV. She teaches on the BHIVA inpatients and Dip HIV courses. She was Vice Chair of the BHIVA Guidelines Subcommittee (2017-2019), was a member of the BHIVA Hepatitis and Conference Subcommittees and has contributed as an author to additional BHIVA guidelines (Adult Treatment, 2015, SRH 2019). She also specialises in HIV and Bone and HIV and Hepatitis Coinfection & Liver Dysfunction.

Dr Nicola Mackie Dr Nicola Mackie - Vice Chair
Dr Nicola Mackie is a Consultant Physician and Head of Speciality for HIV at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. Her research was in the field of HIV-1 drug resistance and she runs the weekly Virtual Clinic. She is also the Clinical Lead for the HIV Women's Service at Imperial. She is involved with writing national guidelines, examining for dipHIV and teaching for BASHH and EACS. Dr Mackie served as a trustee member of the BHIVA Executive Committee from 2016–2019 and was re-elected in 2019 for a further three-year term. She was elected in 2022 as Vice-Chair for a three-year term.

Dr Tristan Barber Dr Tristan Barber - Honorary Secretary
Dr Tristan Barber is an HIV and Sexual Health Consultant at the Ian Charleson Day Centre, Royal Free Hospital, and Honorary Associate Professor at the Institute for Global Health at UCL. He attended a comprehensive school in Cornwall, studied medicine in Cambridge and London, and has been living with HIV for over 20 years. He has a research background in HIV-related neurocognitive impairment and phase 3 clinical trials. He established and is clinical lead for a dedicated frailty and complexity service for people living with HIV (The Sage Clinic). Tristan is current Chair of the Education and Scientific Subcommittee chair, with oversight of educational delivery, the International Partnerships Working Group, and Research and Implementation Science awards, as well as supporting conferences. He is Chair of the EACS Young Investigator Network. He jointly conceived and proposed the BHIVA EEDI review, and has also worked on advocacy and policy change, including the CAA rules for pilots, and gamete donation for people living with HIV. He is committed to the work of BHIVA, supporting its teams and trainees in the UK, as well as the wider HIV community and community organisations, alongside promoting links overseas. Tristan stood as a BHIVA Trustee to support and represent all working and training in, living with, and affected by HIV. He was elected as a BHIVA Trustee in 2019, re-elected in 2022 for a three-year term, and was elected to serve as Honorary Secretary from February 2023 to the AGM in 2025.

Dr Iain Reeves Dr Iain Reeves - Honorary Treasurer
Dr Iain Reeves has been a consultant in London for over 10 years and is lead clinician for HIV at the Homerton Hospital. He is also lead for the NE London and Essex HIV Clinical Network and an elected trustee of BHIVA. He has special interests in the sexual health of MSM and in mental health and is a principal investigator on a number of HIV and sexual health studies. Dr Reeves was elected in 2019 as Chair of the BHIVA Conferences Subcommittee for a three-year term, is part of the BHIVA Treatment Guidelines Writing Group and led on three sections of the recent BHIVA clinical standards. He was re-elected as Honorary Treasurer for a second term from 2023 to 2026.

Elected members

Dr David Chadwick Dr David Chadwick
Dr David Chadwick is an ID Physician in Middlesbrough who has worked in HIV for 20 years, with research interests in HIV and viral hepatitis co-infection in Africa and HIV testing in the UK. He has contributed to BHIVA through immunisation guidelines and HIV-2 committees, CROI feedback sessions, UK CHIC executive committee and DipHIV question setting. Dr Chadwick was Chair of the BHIVA Audit and Standards Subcommittee for 2016–2019 and was re-elected in 2019 for a further three-year term. He served as an appointed BHIVA trustee from 2017–2019 and was elected as a trustee for a three-year term from 2019. He was re-elected as a trustee from 2022–2025.

Dr Kate Childs Dr Kate Childs
Dr Kate Childs is an HIV consultant at Kings College Hospital, South London. She is passionate about re-engagement of people living with HIV who are not in follow-up, leading on several successful projects with other clinics and the third sector to improve access to care. Her other interest is HIV-associated liver disease, she is jointly appointed by KCH Institute of Liver Studies and runs a dedicated weekly clinic, regional teaching programme and is on the BHIVA coinfection guidelines writing group. Dr Childs hopes to serve BHIVA with enthusiasm and energy and prioritise addressing health inequalities, stigma and issues affecting people living with HIV living in areas of deprivation. She was elected as a BHIVA trustee for the period April 2023 to the Annual General Meeting in 2025.

Dr Daniel Clutterbuck Dr Daniel Clutterbuck
Dr Dan Clutterbuck has been a consultant in genitourinary and HIV medicine since 2001. He is clinical lead for sexual and reproductive health at NHS Lothian and clinical lead for HIV at the Chalmers Centre in Edinburgh. He was elected chair of Scottish Health Protection Network HIV Clinical Leads in 2019 and has contributed to a number UK guidelines and standards produced by BHIVA and BASHH. He is lead author of the BASHH/BHIVA UK guidelines on safer sex and on the sexual healthcare of men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM). He was elected as a BHIVA trustee in 2023 for a three-year term and is a member of the BHIVA guidelines subcommittee.

Dr Carol Emerson Dr Carol Emerson
Dr Carol Emerson is the Clinical Lead for HIV & Genitourinary Medicine at Belfast Health and Social Care Trust. Her main interest is HIV/STI prevention strategies and MSM testing. She has contributed to BHIVA as the New consultant representative (2011-2014), on executive, conference and education committees. She has contributed on the BHIVA treatment guidelines writing group and e-learning pregnancy guidelines (2012/13). She was co-chair of BHIVA/BASHH mentoring group (2012-2016). She was an examiner for Diploma of HIV, writing OSCEs and standard setting (2010-2017). She was a member of the BASHH MSM (now GSM) SIG and on the writing group for BASHH standards for outreach services. She led the clinical response to the MPox outbreak in Belfast and was recently nominate for a patient care award by community publication GNI. Carol Emerson was elected as a BHIVA trustee from November 2023 to the AGM in 2026.

Nadia Naous Nadia Naous
Nadia Naous Lead Pharmacist for HIV and GUM at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital and current chair of the HIV Pharmacy Association (HIVPA). She has actively participated in educational events, conference award initiatives and provision of feedback for BHIVA. She is a member of the Education and Science Subcommittee, HIV-1 Treatment Guidelines writing group and former member of the Audit and Standards Subcommittee. In her HIVPA role, she has worked closely with BHIVA to contribute to rapid development of position statements and guidance supporting healthcare professionals and people living with HIV. She has also contributed to planning of conference sessions, international exchange programmes and World AIDS Day events. Nadia is a current member of the NHS England HIV Clinical Reference Group (CRG) and has been involved with the CRG and subgroups since 2018. In this role, she utilises her professional networks to collaborate with stakeholders, including patient and public voice representatives, in order to play a lead role in the development and implementation of national policy. Nadia Naous was elected as a BHIVA trustee from November 2023 to the AGM in 2026.

Dr Jonathan Underwood Dr Jonathan Underwood
Dr Jonathan Underwood is a consultant acute medicine & infectious diseases physician working in Cardiff. He has a research interest in HIV-associated comorbidities, particularly cognitive dysfunction, and he completed a PhD studying cognitive impairment in treated HIV-disease in 2017. He has presented research at BHIVA conferences for over 10 years and has benefitted hugely from membership of the Association, including opportunities to attend CROI and present feedback. Dr Underwood was elected in 2019 as a BHIVA trustee to serve for a three-year term. He was re-elected in 2022 to serve a further three-year term to 2025.

New Consultant Doctors' Representative

Dr Hannah Pintilie Dr Hannah Pintilie
I am a new consultant working in genitourinary medicine and HIV in Norwich since November 2021, having completed my training at Imperial College NHS Trust in London. I have a particular interest in complex HIV care and safeguarding. I am chair of our regional HIV Network meeting (complex case MDT) and antenatal infection lead for iCASH Norwich, improving our local antenatal network and initiating our monthly MDT meetings across two Trusts. I am a member of the BASHH HIV and BBV SIG. I have a passion for Quality Improvement and am a qualified Quality Improvement Coach. Having experienced HIV care in a tertiary centre within an acute trust in London, I am now working in a clinic for a large community trust and therefore have experience of HIV care in two very different scenarios within England, and the benefits and challenges of both. I plan to bring this knowledge to BHIVA as well as my enthusiasm for quality improvement and providing excellent care for all people living with HIV, independent of the complexities or challenges faced. Hannah Pintilie was elected as a BHIVA trustee from the November 2023 to the AGM in 2026.

Trainee Doctors’ Representative

Dr Nina Vora
Biography and photo to follow.

HIV Medicine Editor Trustee

Professor Caroline Sabin Professor Caroline Sabin
Professor Caroline Sabin has been an active member of the BHIVA Audit and Standards Subcommittee since 2001, and of several BHIVA guideline groups. She is the principal investigator of the UK CHIC Study and provides regular training courses on the analysis/interpretation of cohorts, with the aim of raising the profile of clinical HIV research in the UK. She was re-elected as a BHIVA trustee to serve on the Executive Committee from 2016–2019. Professor Sabin is Joint Editor-in-Chief of the BHIVA journal, HIV Medicine, from 1 January 2022.

SAS Doctors’ Representative Trustee

Dr Lasanthi Siriwardena Dr Lasanthi Siriwardena
Since October 2023, I have been working as a Trust Grade specialist doctor in HIV at Barts Health NHS Trust. Prior to this, I was a consultant in venereology in Sri Lanka since 2016 working in regional centres, often as the only HIV specialist. I received my overseas training at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust 2015–2016 having completed the MD in Venereology from University of Colombo in 2013. I have been a member of the council of the Sri Lankan college of Sexual Health and HIV Medicine from 2011 to 2023 with leadership roles including secretary, vice president and chair of the academic working group.

As an International Medical Graduate (IMG), I will be able to represent not only the SAS doctors working in the UK but will bring the experiences and viewpoints of many doctors working overseas who look to BHIVA for guidance and training. My experience in organization of a similar albeit smaller organization in Sri Lanka will bring new perspective to the committee. IMGs are increasingly important in the provision of health care in the UK and their representation in BHIVA will be mutually beneficial.

Financial Expert Trustee

Appointment process underway, July 2024

Appointed Trustees

Process for three appointed vacancies underway, July 2024

UK-CAB Representative

Mr John Jaquiss Mr John Jaquiss
An HIV Activist with a passion for helping and supporting people with their personal mental and physical health and wellbeing, seeking to find ways to empower the next Chapter in Health Condition self-management. Active supporter of up-to-date education, around HIV and sexual health. HIV as a Health Condition is a special personal passion for me and key driver for my journey. As an Expert Patient and someone living with HIV, I have learnt to embrace my own health and wellbeing and focus on building strong relationships with the really great Healthcare Specialists, who play a key role in helping me keep fit and well. As BHIVA Community Trustee I am also a member of the steering group of the UK Community Advisory Board (UK-CAB). I am a Positive Voices Speaker with Terrence Higgins Trust, which now extends to Schools, Universities, Major Corporates and Healthcare environments. I am active in the ongoing UKHSA national study of people living with HIV the results, videos, stories and stats can be found at changingperceptions.co.uk. Community Representative on the London Fast Track Cities - Vision for HIV care Community Group. Member of the Kent, Surrey & Sussex Coalition for Living Well with HIV, focused on understanding and supporting the mental health challenges experienced when living with HIV. Patient Safety Partner for University Hospital Sussex NHS Foundation Trust Member and Patient representative for Brighton (Lawson Unit) on the Sussex HIV network. Community Member representative on the NICHE Program Steering Committee. Previously sole lay representative on a National Hepatology Study, providing input and understanding from the patient perspective, to support and ensure compliance and success of the study. I’m an experienced Managing Director, Consultant and Motivational Coach and have developed an understanding of the behavioural science aspects of business, with a demonstrated history of working in the Health, Wellbeing, Fitness and, Healthcare Sector. I’ve also worked in the finance and banking sectors. My other passions are keeping fit, skiing, travelling, embracing and experiencing different cultures.

Executive Committee Workspace

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